Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana: Should be Approved? Essay

American people have debated over the legalization of marijuana for many years. This discussion is an example of how the united states have struggled to reach an agreement about the use of marijuana. In recent year’s drug policy have been increasingly challenged, especially in America. In the United States a group of nearly twenty states has allowed the medical use of marijuana, even though neither the federal government nor the United Nations Convention recognize that marijuana has medical uses. In the election of November 2012, Washington State passed a referendum, and Colorado an amendment to its Constitution, which allow the recreational use of marijuana. A result of the legalization of recreational use in Denver, Colorado, have entered more than $ 1.2 million with a mechanism for maximum sales per consumer than an ounce profit status, worth $ 200, a strategy that is used to regulate the individual consumption. For instance, according to Jacob Sullum (2013), author of The Cannabis Is Out Of The bag, â€Å"People 21 or older already are allowed to possess up to an ounce of marijuana.† Nowadays Marijuana users in the United States may finally, starting this January 1, legally have it for recreational purposes in two states in the West, Washington and Colorado. Probably the most controversial news until today is that many companies would begin to distribute marijuana in vending machines as if they were sodas this will be addressed to the public who use marijuana for medical purposes, a patient with a serious medical condition that approaches a vending machine to get a dose of marijuana to cope better with certain symptoms of their disease or treatment is an increasingly common act thanks to the progress achieved by the automatic distribution. But you can still go further. Hence Smart Ventures, a company that invests in mining projects in medical marijuana and playful side, has signed an agreement with Mobile Vending, dedicated to developing mobile technology for control of vending .The objective of this joint venture is to expand and renovate the distribution process with the latest equipment and advanced techniques of identification in order to cash in on the recent legalization of marijuana  and the resulting high demand in the state of Colorado. Both formulas will drive new technology payments and cashless biometric identification methods, either through credit cards, electronic wallets and mobile payment. The new company is called Cannabis Funding Group, Inc. and is now a subsidiary of activity as Smart Ventures. One person who is clearly opposed to medical marijuana is Scott M, Arden. He suggests that there is no incentive to fund clinical trials nor advocate the use of marijuana for medical purposes. he expressed her views in the article †Å"Clinician Reviews† journal. For instance, he says, The negative side effects of medical marijuana pale in comparison to the laundry list associated with numerous prescription drugs that are FDA approved—not to mention tobacco and alcohol, much more addictive products on the market that possess no medicinal value, only detrimental. Additionally, currently available pain medications have been proven highly addictive, and their use and proliferation have led to an epidemic of chemical dependence and related crime. If the big players in the industry had significant potential gains from medical marijuana, it would have been legalized at the federal level years ago. What Scott M. Arden is saying is that it makes no sense the idea of medical marijuana. So, obviously that it will be the same as with the other drugs on the market that are addictive. There are some people who think that more states should legalize at least medical marijuana for the people who really need it. One of the strong supporters of medical marijuana is Karen Bender. She is sure that with additional research medical marijuana may benefit many people. In fact, she says, â€Å"Medical marijuana, like prescribed drugs, may benefit people with MS†. What bender means is that, if the American government is willing to continue prohibiting medical marijuana, American people would never know if is the right thing to do. It is simply means that laboratories and people specialized in the field of medical marijuana should do more research to determine the good things about it and the bad things and how will affect society. Second, another controversial reason to support or oppose legalization of marijuana is based in the economics of execution. Legalizing marijuana will save the government $ 41.3 billion a year in law-enforcement and generate $ 46.7 billion in tax according to The Libertarian Cato Institute but Chris Kennedy a spokesman of the journal â€Å"NEWSWEEK† tells that â€Å"all of our scholars definitely support an end to drug  prohibition.† He thinks that instead of prohibiting marijuana government should legalized it, according to The Libertarian Cato Institute. It is simply means that legalizing marijuana is the best thing to do for economic reasons, that’s why there’s so many controver sy in the economic execution, too much money involved. There are not many people, who support the legalization of marijuana, mostly because they think is not going to help American economy. Most people care about the national security because of terrorists and drug dealers. One person who clearly opposes legalization of marijuana is Pat Buchanan, an advisor to presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan , he sure believes American people is financing terrorists and drug dealers. He expressed his opinion in â€Å"NEWSWEEK† journal. For instance, he says, How does one win a drug war when millions of Americans who use recreational drugs are financing the cartels bribing, murdering, and beheading to win the war and keep self-indulgent Americans supplied with drugs? There are two sure ways to end this war swiftly. Milton’s way and Mao’s way. Mao Zedong’s communists killed users and suppliers alike, as social parasites. Milton Friedman’s way is to decriminalize drugs and call off the war. What Buchanan is really talki ng about is that most Americans are supporting and financing the cartels, and that Americans are arguing at the same time for the security when they are the cause of drug cartels having power, that’s why criminals continue enriching illicitly. There are not that many politicians who support the legalization of marijuana. One politician who supports the legalization of marijuana is Tom Tancredo who was running for governor of Colorado on the constitution party ticket. He declares that marijuana should be (Legalize it. Regulate it. Tax it) He expressed his opinion in â€Å"NEWSWEEK† journal. For instance, he says, With regard to marijuana, I have no plans to push for its legalization. I simply believe that taking money away from the drug cartels, taking the incentive out of pushing marijuana to kids by imposing the most serious penalties possible on those who do so, focusing our resources on stopping illegal aliens and hard drugs from entering the country, and reducing t he corruption now eating away at our law-enforcement establishment has merit and deserves to be debated. Another main argument has to deal with the Mexican border. There is another politician who supports the legalization of marijuana. It’s Grover Norquist, president of Americas for tax reform, he declares that the legalization of marijuana will  end with drug cartels. For instance, he says, First, there is the mess that is Mexico. Narcoterrorism is made possible by our drug prohibition in the U.S. Then there is the cost of incarceration, Proposition 19 has the opportunity to be the domino that could bring about rational drug policy nationwide. What Norquist is really taking about is that next vote in California for or against Proposition 19, which seeks to legalize the use, distribution and sale of marijuana has led, in the United States and Mexico, a debate on the legalization of drugs. Proposition 19 also plans to allow the cultivation of marijuana by adults in an area not exceeding 25 square feet in their homes and allowed local governments to regulate and collect taxes on commercial production and distribution of the drug. The Uni ted Nations (UN) estimates that one third of the cannabis consumed in the U.S. is produced domestically. Under the new laws of legalization, marijuana stores should produce their own cannabis, and will take several months for some power to make its first crop of recreational marijuana. $ 600 million annual leave year the sale of marijuana in Colorado. A study by Colorado State University estimated that the market for legal marijuana state will be about 600 million dollars annually and generate about $ 130 million in new taxes. The study also estimated that Colorado residents consume about 100 grams of marijuana per capita annually, under the new rules. One person who clearly declares that combating drugs is not the way to solve all problems related with drugs as violence, is James A. Inciardi, a director of the center for drug and alcohol studies. He expressed his views in the book, The Drug Legalization Debate. For instance, he says, â€Å"War on Drugs† is not the answers to the many problems of drug abuse in this country. I reach this conclusion by observing that during the entire time the country has been at war against drugs there has been no attempt in any administration to place the federal agencies and the American people on a wartime status. There are several characteristics of a country at war that have not been met. Although it is very obvious for most people, Legalization is not a magic formula to end violence, it may resolve other serious problems in the country but it is a necessary step in the right direction for a new paradigm that means more security. Marijuana it’s not the illegal drug that leaves more profit, but it is the most trafficked and consumed in the world. The blow to organized crime by removing these revenues vary, according to estimates, 15% to 60% of  the â€Å"profits† of t he drug. The opinion of the people in this area is very diverse, from which there are radically opposed to it until its legalization there are supporters unconditionally. These views depend on many factors, such as age, as the person it’s older the more is opposed to the legalization of these substances, another factor that determines a lot is its political ideology. The people on the left political side tend to approve the legalization of these drugs and the right side tends to reject it, it also depends on the sex gender, men usually supports more its legalization. Also people are influenced by the fact that they tried the drug before. Most of the people who have tried the drug before tend to support the legalization of marijuana. Legalizing cannabis would have the advantage that we can all imagine, a greater product quality, if we smoke or use marijuana as this should not be adulterated because going through some health checks, a much lower cost, as there would be many intermediaries as there are now and also end with the black market and drug trafficking networks. While many of these benefits would not be such, because, for example the black market and drug trafficking networks would not disappear, but still try to sell the cheapest product to make the competition to the government. The failure of prohibitionist and punitive strategy against illicit drugs, we still see an overview of production and consumption worse than in the beginning. It is necessary to create useful tools to combat drug use, which must be accompanied by a more flexible-but not libertarian-use and production perspective. Works cited Conant, Eve. â€Å"Pot and the GOP.† Newsweek 1 Nov. 2010: Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Sullum, Jacob. â€Å"The Cannabis Is Out Of The Bag: Why Prohibitionists Have an Interest in Allowing Marijuana Legalization.† Reason Aug.-Sept. 2013: 12. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. Arden, Scott M., and Meg Helgert. â€Å"Opposing Views of Medical Marijuana.† Clinician Reviews Apr. 2011: 2. Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Bender, Karen. â€Å"More Support for Medicinal Marijuana.† Momentum Spring 2011: Academic OneFile. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. Inciardi, James A. The Drug Legalization Debate. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991. Print.

Death of a Salesman Tragic Hero

Willy as Tragic Hero in Death Of A Salesman Willy Loman is indeed a pathetic and tragic hero of Death of a Salesman. His problems stem from his own delusions, the American Dream turning sour, and misunderstanding his job and family. All of this tells the story of everyday people in American society. His environment is changing faster than his beliefs which is why he is in the dilemma that he is in now. His own delusions are a result of his failure to succeed in life. He still believes he is popular, respected and good looking. But at age 63, he is none of these. Nobody liked him that much since very few people came to his funeral.His delusion was that there would be people across the country coming to the funeral. However, in those moments that he begins to realize the truth, his wife Linda while understanding his situation, supports his delusion. She say to him that â€Å"you're the best looking man in the world†. But the truth is that being popular and good looking is not ho w you would succeed in the world now. It would be through hard work and perseverance. The American Dream has long turned sour for him. At the beginning of his life, he remembers traveling in a wagon going westward. His parents conquered the new frontier and succeeded.His brother Ben went â€Å"into the jungle at 17 and came out rich at age 21†. For a while, the American Dream was alive in Willy too. He helped stake out new territory by selling his goods, his son Biff was going to go to university with a scholarship and he had a home with no apartments closing on him. But now, he was forced to work on commission at an old age and was fired later by his godson. His favored son Biff had wandered about the country doing odd jobs for many years, his friend's son Charlie was successful and his home was now surrounded by apartment buildings which blocked out the sunlight.He was not a success in selling , he failed to raise his sons and his beliefs were just delusions. Only through h ard work and perseverance would he achieve his goal of success but he decided to go along the lazy route and failed. Willy Loman misunderstood his family and job with profound reprucssions. He totally misunderstood his occupation by trying to sell himself than the products. He could not hope to succeed because there was virtually nothing to advance on him. People could buy into him because there was nothing to sell in the first place. Because of t his, he eventually lost his job.His family was something he equally misunderstood. His wife and two children did not let him know that they knew the truth about him. They would tell him t hat his beliefs were wrong and that they knew he was trying to kill himself. They did n ot always support him. As Biff was leaving the restaurant, he told Happy to take care of his father. Happy rejected him and he told the 2 girls he had picked up that Willy was not his father but was â€Å"just a guy†. Willy left the restaurant very humiliated. H is son Biff no longer had the same ideals as Willy or respected him much after his affair with Miss Francis.He had instilled the idea along with Linda that they had the ability to save him but they didn't. He later dies to escape the repercussions of the problems he has caused himself. The pathetic and tragic hero of Death of Salesman is Willy Loman. He had a bright future but later got lost along the way. This is the story of the â€Å"Low Man†. Many believe in ideals like Willy's, many have had the American Dream fail and many did not see that their family lost their way because of them. It is a tragedy that a man with so much potential lost everything by believing in the wrong things and never realizes his situation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Counsumer Behavior Essay

Absolute threshold Differential threshold †¢How does sensory adaptation affect advertising effectiveness? How can marketers overcome sensory adaptation? †¢Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold. Which is more important to marketers? Explain your answer. For each of these products—chocolate bars and bottles of expensive perfume—describe how marketers can apply their knowledge of differential threshold to packaging, pricing, and promotional claims during periods of (a) rising ingredient and materials costs and (b) increasing competition. 2. Key Concepts Contrast Figure and ground †¢How do advertisers use contrast to make sure that their ads are noticed? Would the lack of contrast between the advertisement and the medium in which it appears help or hinder the effectiveness of the ad? What are the ethical considerations in employing such strategies? †¢What are the implications of figure-ground relationships for print ads and for online ads? How can the figure-ground construct help or interfere with the communication of advertising messages? †¢Find three examples of print advertisements that use some of the stimulus factors discussed in the chapter to gain attention. For each example, evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulus factors used. 3. Key Concepts Selective perception Perceptual mapping †¢Define selective perception. Thinking back, relate one or two elements of this concept to your own attention patterns in viewing print advertisements and TV commercials. †¢Select a company that produces several versions of the same product under the same or different brands (one that is not discussed in this chapter). Visit the firm’s Web site and prepare a list of the product items and the benefits that each item offers to consumers. Are all these benefits believable and will they persuade consumers to buy the different versions of the product? Explain your answers. †¢Construct a two-dimensional perceptual map of your college using the two attributes that were most influential in your selection. Then mark the position of your school on the diagram relative to that of another school you considered. Discuss the implications of this perceptual may for the student recruitment function of the university that you did not choose.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Can be compared financial performances in different accounting Thesis

Can be compared financial performances in different accounting standards (Thai GAAP, UK GAAP, IFRS) - Thesis Example technology, the world today can be said to become a global village, where people around the world have become connected and integrated by the click of the computer. Besides, the number of multinational companies, foreign investors and finances from abroad invested in different countries has increased significantly. As a result of these, they face problems arising from different accounting standards. It should have been a good thing if financial performance of companies from different countries could be compared even if accounting information was presented using different accounting standards. In this way, financial information can be said to have met one of the key qualities, or characteristics, which is â€Å"Comparability†. It should be noted here that, the objective of financial statements can be said to be â€Å"to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions† (paragraph 12).1 To be able to meet the said objectives, this research will use financial statement of three different companies involved in same line of business, but operating in three different countries to establish the financial performance of the three companies financial statements prepared under UK accounting standard (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, UK GAAP), Thai accounting standard (Thai Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Thai GAAP), and USA GAAP and make a comparison with the requirements of the International Financial Reporting standard (IFRS), which are accepted worldwide. The result of using different accounting standards may have an adverse effect on a company’ performance on the international scene in as much as investors are concerned. Some may still be in favour of a unique International accounting standard. Particular country accounting standards are still necessary because of; Shifting the accounting practice, will be consumed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Review of Pollock (2000) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of Pollock (2000) - Essay Example While Ed Harris has explored the personal life of Pollock, he has also satisfied the visual appetite of the viewer by choreographing scenes where Pollock stands in the midst of paints as colors drip down from paintings. These scenes often work as a contrast to the rest of the film since it is here that the movie picks up the pace and often gives the feel of an action film. In this way, the movie satisfies that viewers' preconceived notions of artists and their dedication towards art. Even though most of the movie is quite tragic but it does not damper the spirit of the viewers towards art. Rather the movie shows art as something that is able to break boundaries despite obvious shortcomings. As a biography, the film has perhaps not been able to fully cover the major events of Pollock's life. Even though the movie introduces characters like Clement Greenberg, it is often not accurate. For instance, the movie makes a reference to Pollock's drip painting technique. The movie shows that the technique of drip painting was accidentally discovered by Pollock when he dripped paint on the floor. However, none of the biographies written on Pollock give reference to just an incident. Overall the movie is a good watch. For viewers who want to gain insight on the life of an artist like Pollock, the movie is greatly recommended. The movie is also recommended for those who wish to understand life from the perspective of an artist. It is not an authentic source of information but offers a visual treat to the viewers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Women are not treated fairly in prison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women are not treated fairly in prison - Essay Example Through the work of Davis, she says that almost all the woman that were in prison during her time were either black or Porte Ricans (Davis 19). The very reason for her imprisonment was her political views even though the authorities claimed that she had committed he offence of conspiracy and murder. The high number of racial imbalance within the prisons may demonstrate unfairness in other processes that come before imprisonment as was in the case of Davis. Davis makes a resounding call to the reader by stating several times that there was bias within the prison and that the population dynamics in the prison did not reflect any reality with regard to the criminality of the people in. Further she states that the bias in the system was such that it did not favor people who were poor and that explain why black people and other minorities were found in jails. Davis further points that not all women were treated the same once they found themselves in the prison walls.   It is pointed tha t while women were not restrained while Chicana and black women were put in handcuffs (Davis 298). A clear picture of what happens to the woman can be summarized through the story of Shakur. From the onset, she was imprisonment on an allegation that she had killed state trooper, something that was false. Based on the wrong allegation, she was subjected to inhumane treatment such as being stripped naked so that searchers were carried out. This kinds of treatments were not done to all other girls especially Chicano and black.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cautic oda Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cautic oda Solutions - Case Study Example Cau'tic 'oda 'olution i' cla''ified by the U.'. Department of Tran'portation (DOT) and Tran'port Canada a' a Cla'' 8 (corro'ive material). The United Nation' Tran'portation of Dangerou' Good' (TPG) number i' 1824. 'ince mo't 'hipment' are tran'ported in tank truck' and tank car', only unloading guideline' for tank truck' and tank car' are di'cu''ed in thi' 'ection. For additional information on unloading barge', review Pamphlet 080 "Recommended Practice' for Handling 'odium Hydroxide 'olution and Pota''ium Hydroxide 'olution (Cau'tic) Barge'." Thi' pamphlet and additional re'ource material' can be purcha'ed through the Chlorine In'titute web 'ite or 'end your reque't via fax to (703) 741-6068. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be conveniently located, clearly marked and readily acce''ible to per'onnel in area' where normal operation' or maintenance could expo'e per'onnel to cau'tic 'oda 'olution. 'afety 'hower' 'hould be located directly above the eyewa'h fountain'. 'elf-draining and heated 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h 'tation' may be required in freezing condition'. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be te'ted frequently for proper operation and e'pecially before work begin' in the vicinity. It i' recommended that a horn or other 'uch alarm device be in'talled at the 'afety 'hower 'o that it can be activated to 'ummon help if u'e of the 'afety 'hower and/or eyewa'h fountain become' nece''ary. Only unloading per'onnel who have been properly trained in the required 'afe handling and fir't aid procedure' for cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'hould be a''igned to cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'ervice. The unloading track (tank car) or roadway (tank truck) 'hould be level to a''ure all product i' removed. Once a tank car or tank truck i' 'potted, but prior to connecting, 'et the handbrake and chock the wheel'. Follow all appropriate federal or provincial regulation' for 'potting and unloading tank car' or tank truck'. 'uitable warning 'ign' 'hould be po'ted in the 'urrounding unloading area. Partly unloaded tank car' or tank truck' 'hould be moved with extreme caution. The high den'ity of 50% cau'tic 'oda 'olution, approximately 1.5 time' that of water, may cau'e ve''el in'tability during movement. The unloader 'hould confirm proper unloading line' which are dedicated to a cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'torage tank. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be connected, unloaded, and di'connected in daylight, if po''ible. Adequate lighting 'hould be provided if the'e operation' mu't be done at night. Before unloading, per'onnel 'hould confirm the 'torage tank i' properly vented, the vent line i' clear and open, and that the 'torage tank(') will hold the entire content' to be unloaded. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be unloaded over an appropriately de'igned 'pill containment area. Wa'h off all 'pillage from the tank car or tank truck thoroughly with water before return to Dow. Wa'h water 'hould be collected and properly di'po'ed. Billing Formula The total co't for 'hipped material (e.g., $/ton, 76% Na2O ba'i') i' then computed by multiplying the net ton' (or net kilo') of TA (76% Na2O ba'i') by the current price/ton. Note: The "76% Na2O ba'i'" include' all titratable 'odium, not ju't NaOH. In North America, 'tandard indu'try practice i' to price and bill cau'tic 'oda on a 'odium oxide {Na2O} ba'i'. Thi'

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Local government is better set up to take care of disaster relief than Essay

Local government is better set up to take care of disaster relief than central governement - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that local governments should be better equipped to set up for disaster relief than centralized government. One of the best reasons for this is that local situations are going to be specific to a region, the problems, potentials, and weather and earth related issues specific with how they should be addressed. A good example of this can be seen in the problems that occurred in the United States after Hurricane Katrina struck and New Orleans and the surrounding regions were left at the mercy of an unprepared government. The problems during that disaster were specific and were not relatable to any other region in the United States. The tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004 is another example of how local government was better set up to respond than the centralized government. Because local governments are in a position to be better set up than centralized government it does not mean that they are prepared for what can happen. The suggestion in this paper is that local governments are in a better position to prepare for regional disasters and should become prepared in relationship with the foreseeable problems that might affect their local areas. Even though the exact timing of a disaster is not usually predictable, most disasters can be predicted as a probability. This was the case in New Orleans as well as in Turkey where the earthquake that struck recently was predicted long before it actually took place. Still, the city and the government were unprepared for the event. The following paper will explore the theoretical concepts in regard to disaster relief in relationship to local governments while examining the some of the events of the last decade that have brought disaster relief to the forefront of concern for both central and regional governments. Disaster The UN defines a disaster as â€Å"a serious disruption of the functioning of society causing widespread human, material, or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using only its own resources† (Jha 2010: 4). The way in which disasters are measured is through losses, most often first in lives, then in property. A disaster is a tragedy of such proportion that the community is affected is usually close to non-functioning after a disaster and commerce stops in order to focus on creating a unified effort towards saving lives that are still in jeopardy and finding a way to restore the way of life that was disrupted during and after the event. What is often overlooked is that the aftermath of many disasters goes on for years. Long after the attention of the media has stopped focusing on the areas that have been affected, the rebuilding efforts that coincide with the human struggles continue to evolve, the relief an ongoing process that sometimes can take decades to be fulfilled. Disasters that are made by man such as the core melt-down at Chernobyl in the then U.S.S.R are just as devastating as natural disasters , such as Hurricane Katrina. The disaster at Chernobyl, in fact, has left the area uninhabitable for generations to come (Kapucu, Naim, and Alpaslan O?zerdem 2012).A disaster is not defined by its origin, but through its impact on an area and its population. Integrated Emergency Management (IEM) is the theoretical framework for the cooperative efforts of local and central government as they create an approach to effective disaster relief through both sets of entities. The key concepts for cross-organisational functions are flexibility, coordination and leadership (National or local disaster? 2011). Disasters on a small scale happen on a daily basis, utilizing the skills of the police departments, fire and rescue departments, and various other services that are

Investing in IT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Investing in IT - Essay Example tened that our current human resource could not operate our kind of business without the backing of a well-established information systems department. Our technical department argued that with most of our business processes and transactions being computer based we had to take care of tasks such as system administrations, computer hardware engineering and networking, management of data and software and database design. The option of external sourcing for professionals to carry out these tasks for us was expensive and not viable in the long term for our business. According to Brynjolfsson (1994, p.6), investing in information technology does pay for a number of reasons and taking that into consideration, we have been able to reduce the workload on our workers while saving on time, grow our business further and make profits, deliver quality, effective and satisfactory service to our clients due to the increased positive feedback responses, improve our overall production in terms of output from our human resource, tracing of our business courses and document storage facilitation, control our transportation and communication related activities, thus cutting down on expenses involved, attract new businesses as a result of our new web augmentations such as blogs, client support structures, merchandise catalogs and newsletters as currently we are facing increased traffic and gain a competitive edge over our customers and increase the number of our customers. As Brynjolfsson reiterated on the importance of information technology (1993, p.66-78), we too have managed to measure the impact information technology has had on our business and so far it’s a positive one. We took a number of factors into consideration: Customers - We had a look at the number of new and return customers and we realized our numbers increased and so we seem to be heading in the right direction in terms of offering solutions to our customer needs. Were we able to describe their problem correctly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and contrast three research strands and discuss what they Essay

Compare and contrast three research strands and discuss what they contribute to our understanding of ledership effectiveness - Essay Example The importance and the usefulness of leadership strategies depend upon the traits and characteristics of the managers which will help in increasing the organizational output and improving the existing managerial systems. Leadership helps in developing a positive organizational structure and solving complex organizational problems. It helps in addressing the basic organizational problems which would help in understanding complex interpretation of problems. Traditional theorist regarded leadership theories as an integrated approach which would help in the smooth execution of business activities and also attainment of goals and objectives (Pimentel, Kuntz and Elenkov, 2010). Later, the contemporary theorists regarded the theory instrumental in the attainment of goals and also the ability to influence the followers (Evans, 2003). The contemporary leadership theories believed that the present day employer employee relationship should be replaced by superior subordinate relationship instea d of a man servant relationship. The leadership theories constitute of various groups and the employees work together in unification towards the attainment of a common shared goal. These theories help the employees in providing and environment which would help in inspiring the employees by providing them with financial motivators like rewards, incentives, benefits etc. However, the contemporary theorist also believes that the leadership theories should enable the alignment of the organizational goals with their personal interests (Groves, 2006) Leadership functions enable the managers and the employees to attain their goals and objectives and also the development of strategies and directions which can increase the organizational outcome. The study will deal with various facets and dimensions of the leadership theories and its effectiveness. The author of the study will also give an insight into the impact of the leadership theories in varied managerial situations. The prime objectiv e of the study will also give certain highlights to the characteristic portrayal and the traits of the managers and its execution abilities. Finally, the study will conclude with the comparison between the traits, situational and transformational theories. Trait theory and its Implications In the earlier part of the twentieth century it was assumed by the theorists that the varied leadership characteristics and traits cannot be separated from each other. The individuals were largely influenced by leadership theories that focussed on the maintenance of the influential power of the superiors. According to the trait theory developed by the Ralph Stodgill in the year 1974 it was observed that the qualities of most of the leaders were directly associated with a definitive set of identified traits. The same set of identified traits will help in bringing cooperativeness and likeness among the employees of the organization. As per the theory developed by Shaw and Fraser in the year 1978 it was observed that the leaders tend to score high marks based on the ability, intelligence, relevance and verbal ability of the managers (A.G Canen & A. Canen, 2000).Traditional trait approach focused on the personality attributes of the managers and contributed to managerial effectiveness. Traditional theorists developing the traits approach believed that every manager should have a unique set of characteristics that would set it apart from the other managers. It was believed

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy & Sensemaking HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategy & Sensemaking HR - Essay Example Therefore, a strategy is the business game plan for each firm, or organization. Business strategies are thus a selection of ideas and assets in meeting a business long term goals in the market. A business strategy exists in three phases; the first phase is creating the strategy, the second is implementing the strategy, and the last phase is evaluating the strategy to indentify how well a business has done in meeting its goals and objectives. According to Hambrick & Fredrickson (4), a strategy involves pieces of small elements that coherently integrate to form the whole. Hambrick & Fredrickson further explain that a strategy is a central, externally oriented and integrated goal plan of how the business plans to achieve its overall objectives. This report aims at applying the meaning of strategy, in understanding how General Electric (GE) Company has been able to attain its competiveness and leadership in the market today. General electric mainly specializes in diversified financial and technological services. The company’s main products range from power generational services, aircraft engines, household appliances, water processing, medical imaging among other industrial products (Bloomberg, 2012). Through strategic management and elaborate strategies in the HR, marketing, and production departments, the company has achieved setting benchmarks and leadership in the market, and is a major global competitor in sever al sectors as indicated above. GE has portrayed impressive strategies in its marketing department in the recent past. According to Comstock, Gualti & Liguori (2010), 10 years ago, GE had no remarkable marketing organization in its strategies. The company had developed a culture that its modern technologies were too good; the products could even market themselves with no elaborate strategy. The company’s staffs in the marketing specification were

Monday, July 22, 2019

Learning Agreement Essay Example for Free

Learning Agreement Essay Instructions: * There are 4 parts to a Learning Agreement. You must remember to complete every section since marks will be awarded for each section. Sections in a Learning Agreement Remarks Marks Allocated Objective(s) This is where you determine What you want to learn from a particular department 15% Strategies The Strategies is where you determine How you are going to achieve your objective(s) or where you are going to get the information required to fulfill your learning. 15% Assessor Comments You will have to submit this to your Manager(s) for their comments and signature company stamp. (When submitting this to your manager(s), you need not show them the Students Reflections, just your objectives and strategies) 5% Student Reflections This is where you develop a report on your objective(s) this is where you can also develop the learning outcomes. 65% * No part of this report may be reproduced, in any form or by any means. Work submitted based on any of the examples may be awarded no marks. AN EXAMPLE OF A LEARNING AGREEMENT Student Name : X Placement : Human Resource Department Assessor : Ms A Subject Area : Health and Safety Objective To learn and observe the health and safety regulation used in R Company for its employees Strategies for achieving the objective * Discuss with the Human Resource Manager regarding the safety procedures provided by R Company * Tour around the office to observe any hazardous condition and safety procedures implemented in R Company * Discuss with the staff on their opinion about safety in R Company Target date of completion : Y Verification by Assessor and Comments [This is where you get your Manager/Assessor to comment about your performance in the area identified above and get him/her to sign ( stamped).] Signature Stamp _________________________________________________________ Students Reflections [This is where you write in detail about your objectives.] It is important that any company to provide a safe workplace for its employees. For many companies, safety is considered to be a very minor issue, but if one were to look at it closely, it plays a very important role to ensure a safe working environment. This is because a minor negligence in safety could lead to a major disaster. R Company being a company dealing with both local and foreign customers has to always take the effort to ensure that they provide safe and secure services to its customers. It is also necessary to provide enough safety for the employees working there. In my observation on the working condition in R Company, the safety here is awfully neglected. From my personally experience, I had injured my toe more than twice during my 5 months there. This is because all the files are allocated on the floor and due to the small walking space, it is easy for anyone to kick the files and causing injury. The first reason why the files are placed on the floor is because lack of space in the file cabinets. The second reason is because of the staff themselves, they place the files that they need on the floor around the desk. A condition such as this is hazardous to the employees because it will reduce that maneuverability in the company. The staff will have difficulty walking around and might injure themselves because of the files being placed on the floor. If in any case where there is fire, the employees will tend to rush out of the office. With the files placed on the floor, someone might trip and fall. Due to the rushing of all the employees, the victim might suffer major injuries and probably death. It is always important to keep all walk space clear of any obstacle and is wide enough for people to walk safely. This is to ensure that nobody would get trip and injure themselves while working or in an emergency case. The other thing that I observed in both branches of R Company in M City and N City is that they do not have a fire exit. The fire exit of N City branch is locked and blocked with boxes of old documents and brochures. I also noticed that they do not even have any fire extinguisher placed in the office. This shows that there are no proper safety procedures for the staff when there is an emergency situation. Fire escape routes are also not set and displayed in the office. Without these safety items in the office, it can be hazardous when there is a fire situation. The employees there do not know how to react during a fire, how to vacate the building during a fire and the knowledge of any fire fighting equipment placed in the premises. When I interviewed the Human Resource Manager regarding the practice of safety for the employees, I was shocked when he told me that this issue was never discussed. This is very disappointing because I believe many companies fail to see the importance to practice a safe workplace and concern about the welfare of its employees. Even though an emergency situation is unlikely to happen in a commercial office, it is very important that the staff know what to do when an emergency situation occurs. Firstly, it is important that the staff know how to react during a fire situation. This is because a fire accident could happen anytime without warning, therefore it is better to be prepared when it does happen. To be prepared for this, the fire escape route must be cleared. The management of the company should set up and display the emergency escape route all over the office. With this information displayed, the staff would know where to go during an emergency situation. The fire escape routes should also be cleared of any obstacles. This is to ensure an easy escape path and there are no difficulties using it. The office should also be equipped with fire extinguishers to combat any fire situations. This is because in most cases, a fire disaster can be avoided if it is dealt with immediately. With fire extinguishers placed around the office, a minor fire can be attended to before it gets out of hand. I noticed that in R Company there is no fire alarm system. It is important to install a fire alarm system to alert the staff in case of a fire situation because it could take just a few minutes for any fire to consume the whole building. Therefore it is best that all the employees are notified immediately by the fire alarm and able to vacate the premises as soon as possible. When all the facilities and procedures installed to combat a fire situation, it is also necessary to educate the employees on how to use them. A safety committee should be set up to continuously educate the employees on safety and how to react during an emergency situation. The committee is responsible to provide education to the employees on how to use the fire extinguisher, identify the different types of fire extinguishers available and which one is best to use in each type of fire cause. The committee can also conduct frequent audit of the workplace to ensure that all fire escape routes are not blocked and all fire extinguishers are easily accessible. By conducting audits, it is also possible to identify any fire hazard in the company and action could be taken before it turns into a disaster. R Company should also hold a fire drill twice a year to make sure that all employees know what to do if the fire alarm goes off. This is to avoid a panic situation which could cost lives. When the staff are educated with fire drills, they would know the correct procedure on how to vacate the building in an organized manner. The company should also provide training for a certain number of staff in First Aid. This is because if there is any accident that occurs in the workplace, the victim could be attended to immediately while waiting for the arrival of the ambulance. This is vital because in many cases, lives were lost because no immediate attention was given to them. This committee should also work closely with the fire department to learn any latest information regarding safety. They should also encourage frequent checking of the electrical wiring in the company because wires tend to wear off over the years. Even though the Tourism industry usually deals with tourists and giving them the best services available, it is also important to ensure that safety of the tourist. To do so it is best to start with the company. This is because without the concern of safety in the office, how it is expected that the safety of the customers can be guaranteed. Often many people overlooked the issue of safety in their working environment because it rarely happens, but bear in mind that accidents happen without a warning and it is always better to be prepared for it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Management Styles At Coca Cola Business Essay

The Management Styles At Coca Cola Business Essay Coca Cola is one of the leading manufacturer of the carbonated drinks all around the world . Over the past decades , the Coca Cola remained on the top of the industry . The company was able to withstand the World War II and even took it as the business opportunity rather than a liability . It was even able to surpass the Asian Financial Crisis and even gained better access in the markets that it was not able to fully enter . Coca Cola exhibited the efficient change management as the part of the strategic management process . Change management is the process in which it manages the change in the side of the people . Their individual change management and the organizational change management are the theories of the change management . Aside from the theories , there are also four strategies of the change management which are the Empirical rational , the normative reductive , power coercive and the environmental adaptive which the company has been successfully adopted but it is now faci ng major jolts in its business operations and the competitors are gaining the advantage out of the same . Based on the above case-let , analyse the position of the company with respect to : Coca-Cola Corporation Management Strategies with respect to its technological advancement in 21st centaury . Change in Information System due to changes in the world -wide market structures . ANSWER : Management Styles at Coca-Cola The success that the management team has in motivating its employees to meet their objectives is based on the management style they adopt . There are three main management styles democratic , autocratic and the laissez-faire style . The  democratic  leadership style  consists of the leader , sharing the  decision making  abilities with the group members by promoting the interests of the group members and by practicing  social equality . The  authoritarian  leadership style  or  autocratic  leader  keeps strict , close control over the followers by keeping close regulation of the policys and procedures given to the  followers . To keep main emphasis on the distinction of the authoritarian leader and their followers , these types of the leaders make sure to only create a distinct  professional  relationship . The  laissez-faire  leadership style  was first introduced by the Lewin , Lippitt and White in 1938 , along with the autocratic leadership and the democratic leadership styles . The laissez faire style is sometimes described as the hands off leadership style because the leader delegates the tasks to their followers , while providing little or no direction to the followers . The North London Coca Cola branch has ethos or culture than is run in the laissez-faire style meaning the hands off approach . If the workers are meeting their KBI , Key Business Indicators , then the managers and the directors of the company take this relaxed style of coordinating their business . They have a vision to refresh everyone everyday and the values to take pride in their work , to be honest , fair and determined to win and have a passion for the action . With the same spirited investment as the worlds premier marketer and beverage industry leader for more than 118 years , Coca Cola are focused on the strategic workplace programs that help assure the success of our commitment to embracing the similarities and differences of the people , cultures and ideas . Diversity Advisory Council the Companys corporate Diversity Advisory Council consists of the representative group of employees from all the levels , functions and the business units of the organization . The Council develops recommendations for all the senior management on advancing the companys efforts , towards achieving our diversity objectives . Employee Forums Coca Cola believe that the sense of community enhances their ability to attract , retain and develop diverse talent and ideas as the source of competitive business advantage . In the United States , through employee forums , the employees can connect with the colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds . In these forums and elsewhere , the employees support each others personal and the professional growth and enhance their individual and collective ability to contribute to the company . The success at Coca Cola is due to their laissez-faire culture and the culture is important because it can affect the people and the things to do with the business . If the culture of the business is not clear, it can affect the presence and the punctuality . This means that if Coca Cola had a firm and unfriendly culture , it could result in their staff not coming to work because of the poor working atmosphere , or they might not like the work they are given , so they either come in late or take the day of work . This would result in the business losing out on the work and have less time to call in for the replacement . The culture of the Coca Cola could have an affect on the industrial relations between the managers and the workers. So if the Coca Cola didnt have a warm and genial culture , it would cause more disagreements between the staff and the managers and the staff would not be motivated to work . For example staff may have to cut down on the rest days , this could cause arguments as all the staff would be tired from working everyday and would not have time to recover or time to relax down . However if the company had an inviting culture then the managers and the staff would get very well as the staff , would have less stress to compete with and would have the friendly environment to work in and the work could be done more efficiently . Team working is the sub culture within the Coca-Cola Company . Teams are accountable for the activities like :  · Quality  · Utilisation and  · Yield Within the system , there needs to be a balance of Utilisation , the speed the factory works at and the Yield . The Yield is the amount of raw materials lost or wasted . Teams also vary in the number and are lead by the team leader . A part of the culture and the management style in the Coca Cola Company in Edmonton , is its Employee Engagement . This consists of the following five points : * Realizations , delivery of the hard stuff is simply not enough . * Openly acknowledge this to the workforce . * Do what it takes to engage every employee in the space of 16 days . * Involved everyone in the design of the management style consistent with our vision and the values . * Identified talented individuals across the operation act as the internal facilitators to train out the new behavioral standards . On the factory floor at the Coca Cola , there is an autocratic system of the management where the employees are controlled by the managers and follow their procedures . There are also the elements of the democracy by the team work and uniform . Employees of the company all wear the same uniform , even if they are a manager , a director or a team leader . This means that there is no demarcation and there is the same uniform for the each level of the hierarchy , so nobody feels intimidated . The CCE have also adopted a Quality Culture and to maintain the quality within their products , they have the TQM department . This means the Total Quality Management where they have the staff , who deals with the quality of the Coca Cola . TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENT AT COCA COLA Over the past decade , the Coca Cola Company has invested around $60 million in the research and development to advance the use of the climate friendly , hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) free cooling technologies . HFC gas is the well known contributor to our planets global warming . The Company has improved their energy efficiency of the cooling equipment by around 40% , transitioned to HFC free insulation foam for the new equipment , eliminating around 75% of the direct GHG emissions and is phasing out the use of HFCs in all the new cold-drink equipment as of 2015, with more than 500,000 units of the HFC free refrigerated equipment already in use throughout the Coca Cola system . In the bottling plants , the Coca Cola has stabilized the emissions system wide and is working to return to the 2004 levels , while also achieving the 5% absolute emissions reduction below the 2004 baseline in the developed countries by 2015 , with the commitment to grow their business without growing the carbon in its manufacturing operations . Till date , the Coca Cola system has improved its energy efficiency of the global manufacturing operations by around 14% since 2004 . In 2010 the global greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing were reduced by around 2% , even as the sales volume increased by 5% . The emissions reductions can also be realized outside of the plant walls where the Coca Cola operates the largest heavy duty hybrid electric delivery fleets in North America with more than around 700 hybrid electric delivery trucks on the road . These trucks reduce fuel and the emissions by nearly 30% . There also are more than 800 light duty hybrid vehicles deployed in North America for the sales representatives . The Company also participates in the consumer facing cause campaigns related to the climate protection measures . In 2011 , with long-term conservation partner WWF the Coca Cola Company helped launch the Arctic Home , the largest cause marketing initiative ever executed by the Company or WWF . Active in the US and Canada , the campaign aimed to raise the widespread awareness and the funds to help protect the polar bear and its habitat . On related fronts , the climate change will alter the amount of available fresh water , further increasing demand for this critical natural resource . The sustainability of the Coca Cola Company products depends on the reliable access to the sources of water , as water is the main ingredient in every product the Company makes . It also is critical to the agricultural ingredients for its beverages . The Company set a global goal is to safely return to the nature and communities an amount of water equivalent to what is used in its beverages and their production by 2020 . To achieve this goal , the Coca Cola is focused on reducing its water use ratio , while increasing the product volume , recycling the water used in the manufacturing processes and returning it to the environment at the level that supports the aquatic life and replenishing or offsetting the water used in the finished beverages by participating in locally relevant community water projects . The Company is also working in innovative the ways to prevent waste over the life of its packaging . In 2009 , the Company launched PlantBottle packaging , the first ever fully recyclable PET plastic beverage bottle made partially from the plants . In 2011 , the Company introduced more than 6 billion PlantBottle packages in the 20 markets , helping save the equivalent annual emissions of around 100,000 metric tons of the carbon dioxide . By 2020 , the Companys goal is to use the Plant Bottle packaging for all of its PET plastic bottles . INNOVATION AT COCA COLA Coca Cola has been able to survive in the this changing market because of its ability to systematically innovate and to deliver the new products . It was apparent that the market was changing and in order to keep up with these changes , the Coca Cola had to move from the single core product to the total beverage company . The company began operating in the decentralized environment that was unfeasible in the previous years . Now the Coca Cola offers around 400 different products and is dominating the beverage industry . This is made possible by the companys ability to innovate and adapt to the changing markets . Globalization : Technology is continually changing the business and these constant changes have been making it more feasible and profitable for the businesses to expand their operations globally . Now the Coca Cola is taking the advantage of the large revenue opportunities , made possible by participating in the global market and it now offers products in nearly 200 countries around the world . TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS : Technological Analysis for the Coca-Cola : Technological change creates the opportunities for the new products and product improvements and of course the new marketing techniques . Some factors that cause companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results are as follows : The new technology of the internet and television which use special effects for the advertising through the media. They make some products look very attractive . This helps in the selling of the products . Introduction of the cans and the plastic bottles have increased sales for the Coca Cola as these are very easier to carry and one can easily bin them once they are used . Due to the introduction of these machineries , the production of the Coca Cola company has been increased vastly then it was a few years ago . The Coca Cola has started the operations of its RD facility in India , with a view of localizing its product portfolio . The major focus would be on the non carbonated drinks and the flavours . The companys RD team has already rolled out the drinks such as Maaza aam panna and also athe Maaza mango milk drink and is also exploring the options to enter some new categories in India such as the juices in the localised flavours , energy drinks , sports drinks and the flavoured water . These initiatives are taken by the company to further expand their product portfolio . With the increasing importance of the 360 degree media tools and the overall ad spend on the social media sets likely to grow by around 44% , the Coca Cola has increased its ad spend on the internet . The case in point is the recent 2009 Sprite campaign , which was first launched on the internet .

Comparison of SMEs in India and the UK

Comparison of SMEs in India and the UK Chapter 1: Introduction: Background of study: Small businesses have been the soul of every economy in the world. India and UK have also been thriving on the performance of this sector. The performance of the sector is highly influenced by the government policies and the availability of finance. Purpose of Study: In this study, the author investigates the performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises in India and UK. The contribution of this sector to the society on the whole. This study focuses on the importance of the SME sector in both the countries from the point of view of its contributions to the economy. This study evaluates the importance of financing activities and the Government policies in order to support and nurture the growth of this very powerful sector. Overall Aim and Objectives of Research: The overall aim of this study is to evaluate the role of Government and financial institutions in the development of the small and medium enterprises in India (Developing country) and UK (Developed country.) Objectives: Problems faced by the SME sector in India and UK. Role of Government policies in India and UK. Role of financial institutions in providing better financing options to the sector. Background of SMEs: Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are one of the principal driving forces in economic development. This sector has been recognised as growth engine around the globe. A healthy and vibrant SME sector contributes in a high and sustainable economic growth. They encourage private ownership and entrepreneurial skills, they are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market demand and supply situations. They provide employment opportunities to the masses, help diversify economic activity and make a significant contribution to exports thereby increasing foreign trade. Small and medium enterprises have been defined in various ways in different countries. In India, it is known as the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which is defined in terms of investment required. The MSMEs include all the enterprises in which the total investment does not exceed more than Rs. 50 million. The European Commission defines SMEs on the basis of the work force employed, total turnover of the business and the balance sheet total. In the US, the criteria for recognition is based on the work force employed. The main factors which give a firm the status of SME are employment and investment in fixed assets. Many economies have acknowledged the need for growth and development of SMEs for industrial restructuring and have formulated national SME policies, programmes and enterprise development policies. Enterprise helps boost productivity, increased competition and innovation, thereby creating employment and prosperity, and revitalizing the communities. SMEs contribution to the foreign trade has been ever increasing. During the last decade, there has been a considerable increase in the foreign trade arising from the products of these SMEs. The open trade policy has been a great success. The policy makers in developing countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and many other South Asian countries have been continuously reviewing their policies to help the functioning of these SME units. Chapter 2: Research Methodology: Research is defined as an activity which is undertaken in order to find out things in a systematic way, thereby increasing knowledge (Saunders, et al, 2003). As the definition says, it is important that the study is carried on in a systematic ways which means the study should be logical and should be carried by systematic interpretation of data. (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002). According to Saunders, et al, (2003) the research should highlight the following features: Data used for study should to be collected systematically. Data should be interpreted systematically. The research should be carried out with the intension to draw a conclusion. According to Williman (2001), research is not merely collection of facts or information without any purpose. The research should relate to collection of facts and information with a specific purpose. The reassembling or restructuring of facts and figures without any interpretation also is not termed as research. A proper research should be a mixture of facts and figures being interpreted and should provide an answer to the research question. The data is of two types depending on the source from where it is obtained. Primary data is the data which is obtained by the researcher for some specific questions. It includes interview of the object of study. The answers are then observed closely to draw a conclusion. Secondary data is the data which is obtained from literature review and the internet. The gathering and analysis of primary data adds value to the dependability of the results of the research, in my chosen topic of study there are not enough opportunities within the time and reach of the researcher to resort to research methods of interviews or survey through questionnaires, since the firms are widely scattered and the small and medium enterprises in India dont disclose their secrets to anyone. Hence, the data used is secondary data which is available through internet and through various government publications. There is a lot of literature on the selected topic; they can be treated as trusted source of data to carry on the research. The essential research principles while using the secondary sources are Qualitative and Quantitative approach to research, out of which this research paper uses the qualitative and descriptive approach to conclude the research question. Therefore the secondary research has been used for completing the study. Limitation of Study: I have tried my level best to produce this report to be as fruitful as it can be but there are some serious limitations that this study suffers. There is a lack of study and not many scholarly articles are available on the problems faced by the Small and Medium Enterprises in India and UK. There are many articles which describe the importance of this sector. I had to take the use of various print media and internet sources of government portal in order to draft down the problems faced by them. Also, the grants and government policies that are provided are in exhaustive; hence the study focuses on only the main grants and policies which have contributed largely to the sector. The small and medium enterprises sector is very huge and widely scattered, which comes as a constraint to collect primary data for the study. Chapter 3: Literature Review Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): SME have an important role in a countrys economic development and growth and also have been achieving the same kind of progress over the last couple of years. India as an example shows the importance of SMEs towards the growth of the economy and the employment generated with the help of labor intensiveness and thus, bringing efficient distribution of resources through labor intensive production. This segment also helps in lightening poverty and sustaining growth. Equal distribution of income also comes into picture thereof. And all this happens when the scarcity of capital exists. (Das, K. (2006)) Some of the characteristics of this typeof policy include formation of multi-storied and flatted industrial estates for micro industries, liberal floor spaces index in plotted development of 1.5 to 1.75 for industrial sheds and 2.5 for multi-storied industrial units, 50% rebate on stamp duty and registration charges for micro and small enterprises in industrial estates and industrially backward areas. Globalization has made possible the fragmentationof all forms of production of goods and servicesacross countries and enterprises. Where large players go for a different form of business models which includes bringing alongtheir traditional partners, suppliers or distributors at a different level, SMEs are experiencing a new form of functioning in the value chain byevolving from a traditional manufacturer in the domestic market to that of an international partner. SMEs undergo the effects, both positive and negative, of outsourcing led restructuring of production at the international level. Because of the advantage of their flexible nature of operations, SMEs face lot many opportunities in the form of the demand for new products and services. But the things get a little nasty when theinadequate availability of managerial and financial resources, lack of working capital, innovation and personnel training come into picture. (Das, K. (2006)). The Indian Small Scale Sector- An Overview: A SSI in India is defined as a unit where investment in plant and machinery, either in the terms of ownership or lease, does not exceed Rs. 10 million. In the same way, micro enterprises or the so called tiny units does not have investment in them to be exceeding more than Rs. 2.5 million. The Small Scale Industries of India have a fortune of have been built through enterprise, dynamism and renewal. Since the end of the colonial rule, India has re-established itself and has transformed itself from 80,000 units to 3.3 million. The last decade of the 20th century showed steadiness. This sector of SSIs alone contributes 7 % of GDP in India. (Sahu, P.P. (2005)). Market liberalization and de-regulation are the two forces behind SMEschanging their business strategies for survival and growth. These changes have particularly been in the terms of acquiring quality certifications, creation of e-business modules, diversification to meet competition, etc. SMEs involvement in the foreign trade has to be supported by Globalization, Liberalization and WTO for the benefit of access to markets, technology, skills, finance infrastructure and tax-friendly environment. (Ecotec Research Consulting (2004)). Production and Investment in SMEs: There has been an extraordinary 18% growth in the production at current prices of SMEsin FY07 as compared to the previous years15.8% thereby bringing a rise to Indias GDP to 15.5% during the year. The growth in the production has been there because ofconducive policy measures, growing domestic consumption, export market, improving production methods, technology, etc. SMEs did maintain equal growth rate in respect of the industrial sector during the FY03-07 with a growth of CAGR of 17%. (Sahu, P.P. (2005)). The SME sector has also reported growth higher that the overall manufacturing sector. The sector does not only provide output in the form of final goods but also capital goods which further form the input to heavy industries. The table below is indicative of the growth of SMEs in the Indian economy. The SMEs in India: Present Scenario: As quoted by Business World, Jan. 2007, small companies seems to have been performed much better as compared to their larger equivalents as between 2001-06, net companies with net turnover of Rs. 1 Crore 50 Crores had a higher growth rate of 701 per cent as compared to 169 per cent for large companies with turnover of over Rs. 1,000 Crore. (1 Crore Rupees is equal to 10 Million USD). The all time high of Rs. 1, 89,200 Crores of total SSI production reached in 1989-90 dramatically dropped in the next 10 years and increased later only 2001-02. After that, the production growth increased at a much greater pace in terms of units, production, employment and exports. (Ecotec Research Consulting (2004)). Currently, some of the SMEs, mostly ancillaries and export-oriented, are acquiring companies abroad as part of the Globalization process, catering to the needs of global manufacturers and suppliers like in Auto Industry. Some of these units have also invested in RD globally and taking help of outsourcing, in the fields of manufacturing and services, to emerge as a global leader because of the factors such as labor-intensive manufacturing, lower transport costs, lenient labor policies of the small scale sector. The next step to this would be a government initiative providing a risk-free environment, start-up capital, technology and training updates. No matter the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006, which has been passed by the Government with the help of 300 industrial associations, many government departments and lot many stake holders, is a legal framework for providing capital investment to this sector, but the implementation of it involves a lot many agencies to come to gether and achieve it jointly. (Government of India (2005) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006: The Government of India passed The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act in June 2006 after wide consultation with more than 300 industry associations, different government departments and multiple stake-holders across the country. The Act is geared towards promotion and enhancing the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The Act tries to accomplish many long standing demands of multi stakeholders in the MSME sector. Another issue was the lending facilities to SMEs but as the mindset of the banks seems to change because of entry of large no. of private banks, which in turn led to increased competition and multiple financial options, the increased lending to the SMEs is actuated because of the compulsion from the market and the expansion of the companies. The lending to SMEs from the banks grew by 69% between 2000-01 and 2005-06. (Government of India (2005)). The UK SME Sector: The UKs SME sector forms the business backbone no matter it may be the restaurant or the web designer, by providing over 33% of the GDP and over 50% of employment. There are 3.6 million SMEs but 99.5% employ less than 200 people. Every year around 175,000 businesses register themselves for VAT and most of them survive by the end of the first year but, then onwards mortality rate takes hold and by the end of the third year approximately one third have failed. As per R3, the association of Business Recovery Professionals, as on one case, the worst places to start business would be Peterborough, Sunderland, Manchester, Bolton and Belfast with the highest failure rates, on the other hand, Llandrindod Wells, Truro, Southwest London, Guilford and Carlisle had the lowest failure rates. The failures occur because of the management failing to protect margins thus increasing its responsibility to 50%. Because of this Academy of Business Consultants believe that the founders of these businesses need the best assistance. (Sandesara, J.C. (1993)). The Qualitative Challenge: The World Banks `Doing Business 2007 Report places UK in the ninth position out of 175 in the world for starting a business. But when it comes to enforcing contracts, employing workers, and dealing with licenses, then it is not a rosy picture, as they are ranked as 22nd, 17th and 46th respectively. This led for a need of change in the current status of SMEs. (Kondaiah, C. (2007)). SME growth: the stylized facts: The international data available also claims that smaller and younger businesses experience wider variations in growth as compared to their larger and mature counterparts. However, only a bunch of these smaller and younger businesses account for bulk of employment, output or sales and producing spectacular growth fighting through the competitors. Keeping a sense of proportion: Apart from all this, the factors like innovation and economic activity still forms to be a disadvantage for the SMEs side. In the European Union it has recently been estimated that the mean share in activity of the largest four enterprises across a large sample of industries and countries was 20% with a maximum of 87%. These ratios appear to have been rising rather than falling in recent decades. (Kondaiah, C. (2007)). SMEs are generally backbone of the Industry. Napoleon said that British are a nation of shopkeepers. He was right much as Britain and a nation small and Medium sized enterprises.(Sandesara,J.C 1993) In the UK the Large enterprise consist of 1% and the rest 99% is small enterprises. If we consider the total working population that is 30million out of that 14.3 million is employed by SMEs. The GDP growth of U.K is 7.4% which would be impossible without the growth of the SMEs as disclosed by BERR. U.K SMEs account for 1.8 trillion pound GDP despite being half the picture of the whole industry. The UK Public sector which contributes up to 1/3rd of the total UK economy attracts strong political focus. This makes the UK SME sector to be considered as fragmented and also at times ignored. But the SME sector is of vital importance as it provides to be the stepping stone for the other large enterprises to be. According to the BERR statistics for 2007, the Small and Medium Enterprises which employ more than 100 employees but fewer than 200, employs 4.4% of the total working population but contributes 5.6% of the total UK GDP. The small enterprises are outperformed by the medium enterprise s in this context. Also, the enterprises that employ more than 50 employees but less than 100 also employ 4.4% of the workforce with an overall contribution of 5.7% to the total UK GDP. There is a lot of evidence that proves that the UK economy thrives on the performance of the SMEs and that with an improvement in the performance of this sector will benefit the improvement of the UK economy on the whole. There is a need for the Government to work closely with the sector to develop the sector and also for rapid growth of the UK economy. The SMEs, mostly ancillaries and export-oriented, are acquiring companies abroad as part of the Globalization process, catering to the needs of global manufacturers and suppliers like in Auto Industry. Some of these units have also invested in RD globally and taking help of outsourcing, in the fields of manufacturing and services, to emerge as a global leader because of the factors such as labor-intensive manufacturing, lower transport costs, lenient labor policies of the small scale sector. The next step to this would be a government initiative providing a risk-free environment, start-up capital, technology and training updates. No matter the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006, which has been passed by the Government with the help of 300 industrial associations, many government departments and lot many stake holders, is a legal framework for providing capital investment to this sector, but the implementation of it involves a lot many agencies to come together and achieve it jointly. (Government of India (2005) Measuring innovation: Any attempt to assess innovative activity and performance must begin with the definition of suitable metrics. These usually fall into the two categories of input and output measures. Inputs usually include expenditure on RD, and measures of the staff employed in RD. Output measures include patents and measures of the incidence of product, process and logistic innovations. Distinctions can also be drawn between innovation new to the firm, (which may be diffusing from a de novo innovation activity in another firm), and more novel innovation which is new to the firm and to the industry. Each of these may lead to measures of innovation intensity in terms of innovation counts, as well as measures based on the distribution of sales by novelty of product or service innovation. Broadly speaking there are two approaches to obtaining data on innovation outputs. There is evidence to suggest that the object approach underestimates the innovative activity of smaller firms, in particular diffusion or incremental activity which the object approaches may overlook (OECD (1992)). The CBR has pioneered the subject approach in relation to UK data for SMEs and consequently its work directly complements UK Office for National Statistics data collected for CIS2, which has along with many EU countries limited coverage of the smallest firms (Cosh, Hughes ands Wood (1998)).The discussion in the rest of this paper draws on data based on the subject approach. Innovation in the EU In reporting innovation activity in the EU this paper relies on the results of the second Community Innovation Survey (CIS2), of 1997/1998, from which charts 1 to 6 are drawn (Cosh and Hughes (2001)). Twelve European States took part in the survey (all EU Member States except Denmark, Greece, Italy and Portugal, plus Norway). The survey was intended to cover allenterprises in manufacturing with 20 or More employeesand all service enterprises with 10 or more employees. These can be split into three size bands small (10 to 49 employees), medium (50 to 249 employees) and larger (250 or more employees). This allows a comparison of innovation activity by broad sector and size over the three-year period 1995-7. The results of CIS2 reveal that innovation activity rises with enterprise size in the EU as a whole which also shows that the result holds for both Manufacturing and Services. In the specific sense that the proportion of enterprises reporting one or more product or process innovations rise with size classes it seems that bigger is better. These results are at an aggregate EU level; it is instructive to disaggregate them by country, as well as size. To do this and to illustrate the relative innovative activity of the small firms in the UK the following charts 2-6 rank countries in terms of innovation performance of small firms, weaker countries are at the left and performance rises as we move to the right. Successive charts report on the proportion of product or process innovating enterprises in manufacturing, and the proportion of product innovators in manufacturing. The same measures are then shown for services, and then the final two charts report on the proportion of novel product innovators in manufacturing, and the proportion turnover due to new or improved products. Taken together these charts reveal that UK small firms are ranked in the top 4 in Europe in Manufacturing, and in the top 5 in Europe in Services. Moreover an inspection of the column pattern for medium and larger firms also reveals that UK small fir ms do better relatively than UK large firms and especially better than medium firms. In that comparative sense smaller is better. Analysis of innovation constraints and the innovation/ performance link using CBR survey results In order to probe behind these results and in particular to examine patterns of innovation constraints and the innovation/performance link we can use the results of the regular CBR biennial survey of SMEs in the UK. These cover 2500 enterprises in Manufacturing and Business Services employing between 1 and 500 employees. The latest results are based on the 4th survey of 1999. The surveys generate subject-based data on innovation inputs and outputs and over 200 company specific variables on enterprise structure and performance. (A full discussion of the dataset and the results summarized here can be found in Cosh and Hughes (1998) and Cosh and Hughes (2000a)). To conclude, we have substantial matter to prove that UK economy is supported by SME and that encouraging them and working with them will bring a positive effect on the UK economy. Chapter 4: SMEs: An Overview Contribution of SMEs: SMEs are the backbone or the key drivers of the industrial economy. They can also be described as the engines of growth of the industrial sector. Although they are individually small, collectively they play a multiplayer role in the development of an economy. They have a multiplayer impact in developed as well as developing economies. The main USP of SMEs is low cost production i.e. the ability to manufacture low volumes profitably, meet niche requirements, capitalize on local skills and resources, provide outsourcing opportunities and most importantly create jobs. The sector has been consolidating over the years. What is new is the articulation and recognition of this process and its pump priming role. Therefore national SME policies, programmes and enterprise development policies have been formulated to support smooth working of SMEs and to overcome major obstacles such as lack of legislation, promotion and infrastructure. This can be done in the form of promotion programmes, positive discrimination hand holding and advocacy. Policy initiatives seek to highlight basic SME skills in low cost production. SMEs have an impressive presence in service industry ranging from the simple and traditional organisations to the most modern and hi-tech ones. SMEs contribute not only in terms of quantitative factors such as output, employment, income, investment or exports but also in terms of qualitative factors viz the synergies they promote with large industry, their contribution towards balanced regional growth, their contribution in nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and in providing a nationwide pool of skilled and trained manpower. While the comparative advantage of SMEs are well acknowledged, SMEs also have their share of pros and cons which prevent them from realising their full potential. They have to face some problems such as lack of proper guidance in the initial stages, lack of funds in the times of crisis, lack of proper marketing strategies, stiff competition from big players, lack of access to latest technology, no proper infrastructure etc. Therefore, although new SMEs are emerging very rapidly worldwide, the number of SMEs closing down every year is also very high. Also because of the twin forces of globalization and free trade policy of WTO, there is a serious threat to the SMEs sector. It will have to reorient and reinvent itself to overcome these challenges. This can be done by restructuring the small scale organisations, and if nothing works, they have to be closed down. Closures are undesirable but sometimes they are advisable from the resource allocation point of view. Thus the high rate of entries and exits reflect the dynamic nature of this sector and also explains why it is seen as an industrial incubator. As mentioned earlier, SMEs play a very important role in the development of an economy, especially from the employment point of view. They are very effective for the generation of employment for both skilled as well as unskilled workers. Therefore labour extensive countries should opt for SMEs. Even the underdeveloped or developing countries which are capital intensive and labour extensive, SMEs can be a great help. There has been increasing growth of SMEs worldwide in the recent past. The government of the developed and developing economies have been formulating policies which promote smooth working of the SMEs. SMEs have contributed significantly in the developed as well as developing countries. In the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland there are more than 16 million enterprises; of which less than 1% comprise large companies while the rest are SMEs. Two thirds of the job opportunities are provided by SMEs in this region and the remaining one third of the job opportunities are by large companies. SMEs are considered the backbone of Asia Pacific region as they account for 90% of enterprises. They provide around 32% 48% of employment and their contribution to Gross Domestic Product is around 60% 80% in individual Asia Pacific economies. Even in the United States, SMEs contribute greatly. It contributed at around 43% of the net employment opportunities from 1990 1994.SMEs are considered the engine of economic growth in both developed and developing countries not only because of low cost production but also because of low unit cost of persons employed as compared to large scale enterprises. Thus they provide a significant share of overall employment. Also SMEs assist in local and regional development by regional dispersion of economic activities, thus helps achieving fair and equitable distribution of wealth. SMEs not only contribute towards the GDP but also towards the export revenues. Although SMEs are at a disadvantage in terms of finance, technology, human resource development and networking; SMEs involved in foreign trade are very dynamic. This may be due to its low-cost labour intensive nature of its products; and since these units generally use indigenous raw-materials; they have a positive effect on the trade balance. For example, SMEs in OECD member states produce about 26% of OECD countries exports, and about 35% of Asian exports. Also SMEs increase flexibility in the provision of services and the manufacture of a variety of consumer goods and competitiveness of the market place and thereby curb monopoly of large enterprises. All this leads to fostering of self-help and entrepreneurial culture by bringing together skills and capital through various lending and skill enhancement schemes. Thus SMEs not only enables an economy to maintain a reasonable growth rate but also imparts resilience to withstand economic upheavals. Chapter 5: Indias SME scenario: The Indian Small and Medium enterprises sector formally known as the Small Scale Industries (SSI) has had a notable importance since the period of Mahatma Gandhi. SSIs were set up in the rural parts of India with a view to inculcate the habit of self reliance amongst the people. Later on, after independence, the SSI units were an important source of income to the people of India. Indian policy makers had noticed the importance of this self reliant industry and had always been striving hard for their progress. After achieving independence in 1947, India drafted and adopted the Industrial Policy of 1948 which meant that the government would act as both an entrepreneur and also as a governing body. With the beginning of the planning of a free India in 1951, the role of SMEs has been earmarked specially. In its industrial policy, the government started announcing special schemes for the growth of the SMEs in India. It was in 1956, during the Second Five Year Plan that the government announced the Second Industrial Policy, clearly stating the importance of the SME sector. This gave an impetus to the development of SMEs in a manner that made it possible for them to achieve the objectives of: High contribution to domestic production. Significant export earnings. Low investment requirements. Operational flexibility. Low intensive imports. Capacity to develop appropriate indigenous technology. Import substitution. Technology-oriented industries. Competitiveness in domestic and export markets Today, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the ladder of progress for a nations economy, especially in case of developing countries. They contribute handsomely to the exports, the industrial base, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Gross National Product (GNP) of the nation. Small and medium enterprises help provide employment and various facilities to the society. In 2006, the Government of India passed an Act known as the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act (MSMEDA), 2006 to define SME sector of India. This Act defines micro, small and medium enterprises in India on the basis type of sector namely manufacturing and the service sector. In case of manufacturing sector, the size of the enterprise is decided on the basis of investment in plant and machinery. In case of service sector enterprise, the size is decided on the basis of investment in equipment required to set up the industry. Strategic Importance of Indian SMEs: In Indian economy, the SMEs occupy a place of strategic importance due to its contribution to the overall output, exports and employment. The total number of SMEs has been increasing rapidly. The total number of registered enterprises has been around 3million and has been increasing at an even fas

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Homers Iliad :: Iliad essays

Fate and Destiny in The Iliad The Iliad portrays fate and destiny as supreme and ultimate forces. The Iliad presents the question of who or what is finally responsible for a man's destiny, yet the answers to this question are not quite clear. In many instances, it seems that man has no control over his fate and destiny, but at other points, it seems as if a man's fate lies in the consequences of his actions and decisions. Therefore, The Iliad reveals a man sometimes controls his destiny. In The Iliad the god's fate is controlled much in the same way as a mortal's, except for one major difference, the immortals cannot die and therefore do not have a destiny. Immortal's lives may not be judged because they have not and will not die. The gods are able to manipulate mortal's fate but not their own directly. In Book I, the plague is a result of the upsetting of Apollo. The gods produce situations over trivial things, such as forgetting a sacrifice or, in this case, insulting Chryses. The gods have temper tantrums, and they switch sides quickly and without consideration. One day they protect the Achaeans, the nextt day the Trojans. The gods play favorites with no sense at all of any of the moral or political issues involved in the war. Zeus does what he can, but the others behave as though they were better than all the rest, in more ways than one. They have no compassion for their own kind, and their concern for man is even less. Occasionally, the gods will show c oncern for one of their favorites when he is having a bad time, but it is very rare. This attitude is the result of their own vindictiveness against humanity and man's own tendency to irrational behavior or carelessness in worshipping the gods. But more often than not, men find themselves fighting a force beyond their control. The opening statement of The Iliad contains the phrase "the will of Zeus," and this reflects the Greek's belief that man is in the grip of forces that he cannot control. It is also another way of saying that all things are fated and out of the hands of man. Book XXII shows that the gods control the fates of man: But once they reached the springs for the fourth time,

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cant We All Just Get Along?: Competition Essays -- essays research pap

Can't We All Just Get Along?: Competition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In our country, everything is run by competition. From basic family roles, to sporting events, to economic well-being. It is this competitive nature that makes us able to better ourselves, and others. Competition is the driving force that pushes one forward. However, assume our nation were cooperative in nature. What would that be like? Would it be a better place than the competitive world of today?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First there must be a clear understanding of just how this competitive nature affects our everyday lives. Nearly every aspect of our day has competitive under tones. Some of this competitive nature is unknowing to the person at the time. For instance, a school is one of the best demonstrations of competitive nature at play. W...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Our Environment :: essays research papers

Our environment faces many problems today, and as we advance into the 21st century the problems that we face become more and more evident. Inflation on luxuries that we house today like gasoline and electricity have increased dramatically over the past half century. Other problems faced such as population and hunger, not only in 3rd world countries, but right here in the United States as well, have struck hard as the population of people have increased so greatly that our world cannot control the lower class people of the world. As the population increases, the need for land has increased as well, clearly if there is more people on the earth more land will definitely be consumed. Our society today is depending more and more automobile transportation. Our country has the capability to decrease the prices of gasoline to a more socially acceptable level but we choose not to tap into our oil reserves and as our foreign relations are not becoming any friendlier, our prices at the gas pump are increasing at record levels. Some professionals estimate that, in five years, prices per gallon will reach up to five dollars per gallon. This shows the attempt of the government to make mass transportation be a more practical choice. Another economical issue that our society shows concern towards is that of our present utility crisis. Situations like the one currently happening in California could be one faced by more Americans in the near future. Our country believes that the bigger and brighter it is, the better. In reflection of these actions is shown by the shortage of electricity in California. As our country grows we simply are having a problem keeping up, this usage of electricity is also a reflection of another problem faced worldwide, population. We strive and strive for medical advantages and ways to stay alive but we obviously do not put enough emphasis on over population prevention or birth control. The knowledge of how to prevent pregnancy in the third world countries and even the younger generations of people in our own country is one main reason why we are faced with this problem. Until we find a way to make our society understand the world does not expand with the population this problem will increase more and more. As the population grows, so does the consumption of food. Our country, although faced hunger problems within, work together with other countries to try to distribute food to over populated areas in poorer countries, but as their population grows, so does the need for help. Our Environment :: essays research papers Our environment faces many problems today, and as we advance into the 21st century the problems that we face become more and more evident. Inflation on luxuries that we house today like gasoline and electricity have increased dramatically over the past half century. Other problems faced such as population and hunger, not only in 3rd world countries, but right here in the United States as well, have struck hard as the population of people have increased so greatly that our world cannot control the lower class people of the world. As the population increases, the need for land has increased as well, clearly if there is more people on the earth more land will definitely be consumed. Our society today is depending more and more automobile transportation. Our country has the capability to decrease the prices of gasoline to a more socially acceptable level but we choose not to tap into our oil reserves and as our foreign relations are not becoming any friendlier, our prices at the gas pump are increasing at record levels. Some professionals estimate that, in five years, prices per gallon will reach up to five dollars per gallon. This shows the attempt of the government to make mass transportation be a more practical choice. Another economical issue that our society shows concern towards is that of our present utility crisis. Situations like the one currently happening in California could be one faced by more Americans in the near future. Our country believes that the bigger and brighter it is, the better. In reflection of these actions is shown by the shortage of electricity in California. As our country grows we simply are having a problem keeping up, this usage of electricity is also a reflection of another problem faced worldwide, population. We strive and strive for medical advantages and ways to stay alive but we obviously do not put enough emphasis on over population prevention or birth control. The knowledge of how to prevent pregnancy in the third world countries and even the younger generations of people in our own country is one main reason why we are faced with this problem. Until we find a way to make our society understand the world does not expand with the population this problem will increase more and more. As the population grows, so does the consumption of food. Our country, although faced hunger problems within, work together with other countries to try to distribute food to over populated areas in poorer countries, but as their population grows, so does the need for help.